
Ethereal Breath (+Eff)

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Weapon SP Rng. Mt.
Ethereal Breath (+Eff)Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. Grants weapon-triangle advantage against colorless foes, and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on colorless foes during combat. Reduces damage from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by 80%. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-5 on foe during combat and when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt). If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Res-5 on foe and neutralizes unit's penalties to Def/Res during combat, and also, if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between Res stats × 4 (max 40%). 400 1 16
Inheritable Restrictions?


  • Non-Inheritable skill.