
Eclipses and Saros :Thales Prediction(EX)

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Missions and Clear Conditions


S Rank Clear Condition: Kill 5 enemies.

 Clear Steps

Left path for PM-9 can almost be handled with Liu alone because she stops all enemies with her clones from walking off screen and auto-targets backline.
Sadly this proves ever so slightly inconsistent and adding a Zip takes the rng out. My Zip here is sl5 which seems to work better than sl10 due to debuffing Liu less. Liu has to be lead so Zip slows enemies down.

For the right path an AN-94mod3 makes this possible but I would not recommend it if you don't have that, just farm for the medals instead.

For a full layout of farms see Rev's document on it: Rev farm doc.

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The left path for PM-9 (first time farmable by the way) is doable enough.
On EX the easiest way to do this is a GREEN quality LRF (it has to be green, Gold makes NTW shoot too early) with a mod2+ NTWmod, Zip to slow down the enemies, MPL to prevent chip damage and Deagle for tiles from pos7.

The right path isn't doable in any sensible manner. Just don't.

Tldr? Farm normal. Don't bother with this shit.

For a full layout of farms see Rev's document on it: Rev farm doc.

Video Guides:

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