
To Effloresce Whitely

DESIGN: m9nokuro
Series: Epoque
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/To Effloresce Whitely. A gown for Victorian nobles woven with fine muslin, fragrant and supple flowers gracing the pure white skirt. A quiet elegance, delicate and sublime.
Obtain Approach
Usage One of Horn's casual outfits.
Quote A longsword sheathed in stone with vines wrapped around the hilt. Souls of the departed lost to war should, like this sword, go to a quiet place inlaid with white flowers to forever rest in peace.
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/To Effloresce Whitely. A gown for Victorian nobles woven with fine muslin, fragrant and supple flowers gracing the pure white skirt. A quiet elegance, delicate and sublime.

Release Date

Release Date (NA) 2023-10-24
Release Date (CN) 2023-04-06
Rerun Dates (CN)
  • 2024-04-11 ~ 2024-05-02

Outfit Costs


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