MODEL: Cardigan
Series: Epoque
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/Sunny Day. Cardigan's outfit when she had just arrived at a city in southern Leithanien. Skillfully tailored to fit a young girl's stature. Light, airy, and blooming with vitality.
Obtain Approach
Usage One of Cardigan's casual outfits.
Quote As she jumps out the window and faces the sun, she can't help but believe that her future will be as bright as it is today.
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/Sunny Day. Cardigan's outfit when she had just arrived at a city in southern Leithanien. Skillfully tailored to fit a young girl's stature. Light, airy, and blooming with vitality.

Release Date

Release Date (NA) 2024-04-02
Release Date (CN) 2023-09-27

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