
Raging Manticore

I don't know if this is intended or if it's a glitch but whenever I tried clearing this quest as soon as the boss hits overdrive you can't lower it's overdrive gauge and everyone does basically no damage at all. Why is this happening?

Asked by DivineBlaze5 years 3 months ago


Not a glitch. The Raging Manticore has a ability that inhibits the overdrive gauge's decrease. As for the damage dealt, are you using light adventurers with enough strenght?

May I ask which adventurers are you using? It’s essential to have light attuned characters, but some of the have lower strength than most (Ryozen, Julietta for example) since they are focused on support/defense.

Another thing: What dragons are you using? Cupid, Gilgamesh, Lindworm are great choices because they increase a light adventurer’s strength.

For reference, I can solo the Manticore with a might of 16280, using Albert, Julietta, Fritz and Felicia. My Albert currently has a might of 4251, with 1668 of strength. Julietta’s strength (1564) is lower, since she’s a defense unit.

My total strength is 5814.

Other than that, I recommend doing the Manticore on Co-op, which might make things much easier. If you don’t have Albert, Odetta makes a very good sword adventurer. Fritz is also a great choice, since he can inflict Stun. Amane is a good wand user if you don’t have Lucretia.

I use a H!Elisanne that's level 80 with 40 mana nodes unbound. I use the valiant crown wyrmprint (max level, not unbound) and an 0 unbound cupid that's max level. The light altars are level 20 and the lance dojos are only level 5 cuz I didn't bother upgrading them yet. But I think that the reason I can't beat Manticore yet is because I'm not familiar with the attack patterns... anyways thanks for the advice