
Seeker of Truth

Lvl 1 Deals water damage to enemies in a line, inflicts frostbite, increases the user's inspiration by two stages, and raises the user's dragondrive gauge. If this skill is used during dragondrive, a variant called Tentacle Mirage will be used instead. Tentacle Mirage deals water damage to enemies in a line, and deals extra damage to frostbitten enemies.
Lvl 2 Deals water damage to enemies in a line, inflicts frostbite, increases the user's inspiration by two stages, and raises the user's dragondrive gauge. If this skill is used during dragondrive, a variant called Tentacle Mirage will be used instead. Tentacle Mirage deals water damage to enemies in a line, and deals extra damage to frostbitten enemies.

Adventurers with Skill