
Wyrmbound Ruiner

Lvl 1 Deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead. If this skill is used during dragondrive, a variant called Wyrmbound Eternity will be used instead. Wyrmbound Eternity deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead, and damage will be increased as the user's HP decreases. Using this skill will consume 25% of the user's dragondrive gauge, but fills 50% of this skill's skill gauge after use.
Lvl 2 Deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead. If this skill is used during dragondrive, a variant called Wyrmbound Eternity will be used instead. Wyrmbound Eternity deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead, and damage will be increased as the user's HP decreases. Using this skill will consume 25% of the user's dragondrive gauge, but fills 50% of this skill's skill gauge after use.
Lvl 3 Deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead. If this skill is used during dragondrive, a variant called Wyrmbound Eternity will be used instead. Wyrmbound Eternity deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead, and damage will be increased as the user's HP decreases. Using this skill will consume 25% of the user's dragondrive gauge, but fills 50% of this skill's skill gauge after use.

Adventurers with Skill