Blue bird
Boon+ Atk Bane - Def

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

。+Atk/+Res, -Def
。Loyal Wreath+ (Atk)/(Res) or Rauðrserpent+ (Atk)/(Res)
。Positional assist (If teammate(s) posses one already, maybe rally skill)
。Glacies/Iceberg or Noontime or Moonbow
A: Mirror Stance 2/3 or Bracing Stance 2/3
B: Spd/Res Link
C: Res Ploy or Res Smoke
S: Chill Atk

Happy Arete is in the game but sad she didn’t get a personal weapon? Want to build her but don’t have too many resources?
This build aims for a mix of mage tanking and team support through cheaper skills. All skills come from 3*/4* demotes or grail units.

Toss out her Normie Conch Bouquet for Loyal Wreath or Rauðrserpent of your choosing. Loyal Wreaths grants +3 Atk/Def/Spd/Res during combat if she’s next to an ally, which should be easy to accomplish thanks to her movement. Rauðrserpent might be a touch harder to get but grants +6 Def/Res if she’s attacked at range. Both are good budget options, but you should choose based on whether you want pure enemy phase tanking or a conditional general boost. In terms of self buff/support tomes she’s limited because red is only for killing things, I guess

Positional assist is to activate her Link skill, while the rally option is if everyone has an assist already. Going for the rally makes her reliant on teammates to activate the Link for her, but fits an extra support buff. Honestly they both end up useless if she’s the last one standing or can’t reach her team, so don’t let that happen.

Her special has options: Glacies/Iceberg to build dmg off her Res, Moonbow for low cool-down dmg pierce, or Noontime for quick healing.
I say Moonbow over Glimmer because Glimmer is reliant on high Atk over enemy Res and can easily be tampered by buffs/debuff fluctuation; Moonbow has more consistency if you want to ensure dmg.

Mirror Stance 2/Bracing Stance 2 gives her additional tanking buff and the 3rd levels have a guard effect. Mirror is a little more expensive but helps her counterattack while Bracing grants some extra durability to daggers, bows, and other Physical weapon types. Giving her —Stance 3 might be a little too high an investment but hey, just because the devs shafted Mom most ways doesn’t mean you have to.

Spd/Res Link is a Unit/Ally buff that helps build her speed to prevent natural doubling and further mage tank. You could go for other links if you really like.

Res Ploy can be kept for debuffing. Res Smoke is an after combat option but needs additional spending/sacrifice.

Chill Atk Seal is to safely hamper strong enemies and potentially lower threats to herself. Choose a different Chill if Chill Atk is already covered.