
Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

An extremely high-investment build, for those looking to show their Canas bias. This build aims to maximize the mage’s initially unimpressive Atk, while also making use of his good Res to tank magic users.

Salvaging Canas’ Atk means getting as many visible bonuses as possible to enhance a Rauðrblade+ tome. Even though this normally demands outside support, Atk/Res Menace will effectively give Atk +18 during combat, while also debuffing the closest enemy. Death Blow 3, Lull Atk/Res 3 and Atk/Res Unity, while not affecting Rauðrblade+, still massively improve Canas’ firepower even further. They also negate any possible penalty on Canas’ Atk or any bonus on his foe’s Res. A cheaper alternative to Atk/Res Menace and Death Blow 3 would be Odd Attack Wave 3 and Even Attack Wave 3 as C skill and Sacred seal. The effective Rauðrblade bonus would drop to +12, but these skills would also benefit adjacent team members. For Atk/Res Unity, any good offensive A skill could be a suitable replacement. One might also consider replacing Death Blow 3 with seals such as Attack +3, trading some firepower for more versatility.

Going for this build would be an obvious waste (if it wasn’t already) if one would not aim to +10 Canas. Investing 15 dragonflower upgrades and 100 Trait fruits for an Atk asset is also almost mandatory.
If all conditions are met, a maxed-out Canas with this build can initiate combat with an effective Atk of 90 (if we also count the debuffs inflicted on the enemy’s Res).