Ouch Rude

Hero Stats

HP 33
ATK 33
SPD 39
DEF 16
RES 29
Boon+ Spd Bane - Def

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

With the rise of fast bow units like bridal Cordelia, low defense mages run the risk of getting utterly destroyed. That is where bow breaker Nino comes into play.

Equipped with Gronnblade+ and bow breaker, Nino can successfully take out any bow unit (save for certain Niles and Faye, but that's not really a problem to begin with) with the right buffs. Using her along units with rally skills, hone passives, and fortify passives can ensure devastating amounts of damage whilst ensuring that Nino remains safe.

Additionally, Nino still functions as the same strong speedy mage, that as a speed boon unit that has had her speed rallied, can OHKO a good deal of red units , specifically those with low resistance (looking at you Chrom). Finally, if you do encounter a situation where Nino does have problems killing the enemy, glacies can be the perfect damage boost what with her high enough res.

To ensure maximum lethality, use her alongside units with buffing skills (Ephraim is a perfect choice with Siegmund; he can take the physical hits Nino can't). If Nino has a buff in every stat, the only units she will lose against are ryoma, Xander, Ike, sanaki, and Lilina. Do with that what you will.