
Longitudinal Strain - 26 Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Normal/EX (e1-4)

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Missions and Clear Conditions

Mission: Destroy all Artillery and Hydra Deathstacks

Clear Guide:

Team Recommendations: 

  • Scarecrow dummy
  • 1 ARSMG
  • 1 Dummy

Clear Steps

This map is overall very simple:

  • Step on Artillery.
  • Eliminate Hydras

The problematic part is that the Hydras need to be eliminated with an airstrike, and you only have ONE attempt. When Lyudmila activates the airstrike, her current node and all adjacent ones will be obliterated the next turn, including herself (she also doesn't need to survive over the endturn). 

To make this very easy we split this into two parts:

  1. Eliminate all non-Hydra enemies (and cap helipads to prevent more).
  2. Bait Hydras.

Turn 1 can be copied directly, the following turns will need adjustment due to Random AI, but provided you remove all Cyclops from the map, you can run away from the Hydras and wait for them to reset entirely (2-3 turns at most) and then start the baiting process normally.

The baiting process on EX/Normal is slightly different from UX. There are only 3 Hydras, but the leftmost one is in an awkward position. As such we need to bait the leftmost one towards the Goliath the same turn we bait the one in the top right corner out. The next turn we remove the second echelon from Hydra Alert range and activate our Airstrike in the middle, eliminating all Hydras.

If you somehow still mess up and leave 1 or 2 Hydras alive, you can abuse Scarecrow Shadows and/or Landmine fairy to slowly wittle it down to 1% hp and then fight it directly with a RFHG. (ARs will not deal damage to Hydras as they're heavily armored.)

To clear this map we use:
Scarecrow for a Shadow. We want her to block two helipads on turn 1.
Your best ARSMG, remember to repair as needed, remember to equip PEQs.

The combat echelon used here is:
UMP45 given for free.
Star given for free.
OTs-12 being used as a super weak example, whatever you have should be better than this.
Skorpion a decent molotov for early on until you get Uzi from Career Quests (who has a good mod).
The HG is easily replacable, but mandatory to see at night.

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