
Halo: Karakasa Surprising Flash

Kogasa Tatara's Spell Card. She opens her umbrella and shoots lasers in all directions. If you suddenly open an umbrella in front of a horse, they sometimes jump up in surprise. ''Kasa-odoroki'' (umbrella surprise) is an idiomatic expression in Japanese that alludes to this situation. It is used to indicate that someone was surprised by something trivial. However, anyone would be surprised if they saw this umbrella attack.

Incidentally, in the Kyogen play ''Kogaragasa,'' another idiomatic Japanese expression was used. ''Karakasa-go-kou'' (written with the kanji characters for ''umbrella,'' behind,'' and ''light'') refers to how it looks like someone has a halo around their head when they hold an umbrella.
*Pre- and Post- effects assume max level. Effects per level can be viewed here.
Pre-Attack Spell Card Effects
Own Spirit Power 1.00 UP.
Post-Attack Spell Card Effects
x11 Yin
Shocking Flash
x2 Yang 1
Astonishing Flash
x2 Yin 2
Stunning Flash
x2 Yang 2
Jump-Out-Of-Your-Skin Flash
x2 Yang 3
Eye-Opening Flash
x2 Yin 3
Own Spirit Power 1.00 UP.
Effect Info
Awaken 0 1 2 3 4
Value 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1
Rate 0 0 0 0 0
Add 0 0 0 0 0

Characters with Spell Card