Noss the Boss

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

Weapon: Mulagir (+Eff)
So the normal weapon, Super effective on Flying foe give +3 Spd. Neutralizes Magic foe bonuses like Rally or fortify.
The added effect is when combat starts and your speed is grater than your opponents +4 to all stats! Pretty neat! (Yeah its underwhelming but its better than Firesweep!)

I'll admit I've seen Firesweep Bow+ and people claim its better than Mulagir and I don't see it. It's just super effective on fliers. Not like your getting more than that...
Defense Skill: Literally anything.
Special: Glimmer | Luna | Moonbow | Deadeye | Sol |Galeforce (FLEX OPTION!)
A-Slot: Swift Sparrow 3 | Death Blow 4 | Life and Death 4
Swift Sparrow: She comes with Swift Sparrow 2 so your gonna need to have her inherit 3 from another unit. (My Preferred A-slot when using Mulagir.)
Death Blow 4: When Im feelin' frisky I use this one with Mulagir.
Life and Death 4: This with Firesweep+
B-Slot: Sacae's Blessing | Poison Strike 3 | Cancel Affinity 3
Sacae's Blessing: "OK your move." /moves Brave Lyn into firing range/ "Attack". "The Hell I can't counter attack with Distant Counter!?" "Ha! That's what we call Sacae's Blessing!" (With Mulagir!)
Poison Strike: Deals 10 damage after battle (Keep in mind it won't kill if THE ENEMY has 10 hp or less they need to die in combat so if you struggle killing you can have Lyn come in and pinch the enemy and have someone else clean it up though I prefer an actual ninja-esque kind of Character like Matthew or Jaffar who can sneak away. (I don't know if Ninja Lyn is any good.) (Also use with Firesweep)
I've seen Cancel Affinity before in conjunction with Firesweep from a friend of mine. He tells me it drives people nuts and I have no idea if he's telling the truth on me or not.
C-Slot: Atk/Spd Menace | Atk Smoke | Panic Smoke
Atk/Spd Menace: I am taking this into my own has because no one tells me a good C-slot for Brave Lyn so I decided on Atk/Spd Menace. to up her speed for Muligar.
Atk Smoke: Comes with Lyn.
Panic Smoke: An interesting option... give it a shot with both Muligar and Firesweep Bow+.
Seal: I'mma go with Brazen Atk/Def 3, because I already got Brazen Atk/Spd on my Brave Alm. But it also works here.