
Khadein Soren

Boon+ Res Bane - Def

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

(Empty skills because this site hates me personally)
This build aims to mostly-cheaply capitalize on his massive resistance while trying to mitigate his lackluster speed, mainly through trying to kill enemies by activating his special that builds on his Res before they can kill him.

IVs: +Res/-Def

Weapon: Magical Lantern+ (+Res) - Since he's not going to get a follow up, we will use a Res+ refine to up the damage of his special. It also grants him cooldown on his special, which he wants to fire off as often as possible - and it's free on him. However, it does require keeping him near a teammate.

Utility: Ardent Sacrifice - Since we're going to use threshold skills, this can help him hit the threshold safely.

Special: Iceberg - To capitalize his massive Res. Iceberg is preferred over Glacies, as 80% of his resistance might be overkill anyway and the shorter cooldown is preferred.

A-Slot: Close Counter - Expensive, but homeboy has a horrible Defence and not great Speed, so I'm trying to up his survivability on the enemy phase. Coupled with Vantage, he will hopefully fire off his special and kill his opponent before he gets hit. However, he won't be able to take multiple opponents on the enemy phase

B-Slot: Vantage - Again, trying to circumvent his low Def and Spd on enemy phase by having him hit first. If he can fire off his Special, he can hopefully kill before he can be killed.

C-Slot: Time's Pulse 3 - Expensive, just to get the special to fire faster. With this and his weapon, he can have a special ready for the enemy phase - he might need to pick a fight, but he can be ready to fight one (1) enemy.

Seal: Spd Ploy 3 - Idk man, his resistance is big so he might as well use that to debuff some enemieees