Boon+ Atk Bane - Def

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

Note: Pretend Mirror Strike 2 is Mirror Impact bc it wasn't in the skill list. Also all credit goes to Akariss here.

Note 2: Run this in an infantry pulse team for maximum effect

So I normally run the "Righteous Thunderclap" build, and it's hecca fun, so this is an aether raids take on it. Mirror impact ensures Tail's survivability by denying the opponent's follow up. Even if they have QR to neutralize it, it becomes a speed check, and with the darting blow refine and her naturally high speed, Tailtiu will still get the double while her opponent can't. This also adds 10 res, which is 8 more damage on her glacies nuke. There are several ways to get her into vantage range, the most common way being lightning traps. Her own allies can even help with this endeavor, such as the inevitable Lif we will get fairly soon. Once she has taken the damage, she is in brazen and wrath range, and because the trap stops the enemy's action, she gets to initiate the fight. I have time's pulse here, but with enough IP support, she can charge glacies without it. If everything is set up properly, she will not disappoint, and her nukes can easily match, or even be stronger than Ophelia's!