
Longitudinal Strain - 22 Night on Bald Mountain - Normal/EX (e2-5)

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Missions and Clear Conditions

Mission: Hold 15 nodes and kill all enemies

Clear Guide:

Team Recommendations: 

  • 1 ARSMG

Clear Steps

This map seems deceptively simple before you start the mission... and Tareus spawns... and then you end turn and enemies just pop up everywhere...

Normal/EX of this map has one major difference from UX:
The map is smaller and... you can't reach Tareus if she spawns on the right side of the map.
If she spawns on the right side? Restart the map until she's on the left side, you will need a RFSG echelon if you don't kill her turn 1.

EX is much harder here, but if your echelons are strong you can probably handle it. I would recommend using a RFHG for at least the Gladiator/Doppel teams at least.

The combat echelon used here is:
UMP45 given for free.
Star given for free.
OTs-12 being used as a super weak example, whatever you have should be better than this.
Skorpion a decent molotov for early on until you get Uzi (who has a mod).
The HG is easily replacable, M4 in pos4 would be better than this due to short fights.

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