
Longitudinal Strain - 22 Night on Bald Mountain - UX (e2-5ux)

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Missions and Clear Conditions

Mission: Hold 25 nodes and kill all enemies

Clear Guide:

Team Recommendations: 

  • SCARs with Suomod
  • Scarecrow dummy/combat echelon with Phantom Step
  • Alchemist if available


  • ARSMG, preferably with Suomod
  • RFSG, preferably with LTLX and Liu and Shield HGs, M200 Optional
  • Scarecrow with Phantom Step + Manticore(s)

Clear Steps

This map seems deceptively simple before you start the mission... and Tareus spawns... and then you end turn and enemies just pop up everywhere...
So I made a display of where all enemies spawn and on which turn transition.

Our goal here is to eliminate the boss on t1 (so she doesn't spawn even more  enemies) and then block as many enemies from spawning as possible, before finally capping back all our nodes after everything is dead.
Remember that you can save a fight and test against it in Target Practice, which is recommended especially for bosses if you're unsure if you can handle them.
You can use Sniper Fairy for her skill while fighting the boss and then swapping to Shield afterwards when redeploying.

The hardest fights are the large group of Doppels in the top right, which any Coalition ringleader + a manticore can deal with easily, and the Uhlan + Doppel at the bottom of the map, which you'd preferably want Shields or single-entities for. Alchemist obviously makes this easy as with almost any fight outside ranking. Scarecrow with 2 Manticores can also handle this but it could get somewhat sketchy if your HOC or Manticores are weaker. Fielding more ATW HOCs can also help make this fight easier if you so desire.

For the teams, I used 3 separate teams here to keep the requirements low:

  • Suomod1 with ARSMG is highly recommended but any strong ARSMG should work. ARSMG handles dogs and mops up any easier enemies.
  • RFSG, preferably both LTLX and Liu (she's permanently farmable now), M200 is nice for the Patroller but not needed as LTLX is here. Liu clones avoid tilepaints from Doppels which is nice. I used double shields because this team is responsible for the Uhlan/Doppel team and it just makes it a lot less painful like this but provided Liu doesn't die it should be fine with less shields. MPL would also work wonders here as a shield applier on her own, just be aware she needs to stand on pos5 to hit everyone.
  • Scarecrow + Manticore (I used 2, but you could likely get away with 1). This team is mostly there for Phantom Stance and dealing with that one Doppel stack on the right side. As always single-link units don't take extra splash damage against Doppel nades. This team could also be used against the Uhlan but that sets the Manticore quality requirements much higher. You'd likely want 2 fully linked 5* level 90+ Manticores for that, and make sure to repair between fights.

Just use SCARs + Suomod. Seriously, just use SCARs and Suomod, add another shield HG and you're set.
Alchemist also works perfectly well against pretty much every enemy here if you have her.
If you know how to handle M4ex you don't need team recommendations (still, use SCARs instead).

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