
Longitudinal Strain - 9 Ghost - Normal/EX (e3-4)

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Missions and Clear Conditions


  • Survive 5 turns

Clear Guide:

Team Recommendations: 

  • 1 ARSMG


  • 1 Scarecrow echelon with some Goliath Factories

Clear Steps

Killing the boss here is not a viable option because... she has the same stats as on UX. If you're not doing UX already that's just not happening.

If your echelon is a bit stronger, then either do EX or even move on to UX. Scarecrow with a few mooks can handle UX quite easily and it's not too hard, provided you have the units for it.

G&K version

This map is a sin. For foreign the DS didn't take back the heli you capture on t1 instantly so it was very easy to run around the boss but for en a state of "do X or Y" is the best we can do. On turn 3 you will either have to do path A or path B.

The combat echelon used here is:
UMP45 given for free.
Star given for free.
OTs-12 being used as a super weak example, whatever you have should be better than this.
The HGs are easily replacable, M4 in pos4 would be better than this due to short fights. A molotov offtank would do decently as well.

Scarecrow version:

Scarecrow and her Shadow (skill2) are incredibly versatile for these kinds of maps. And as we can only deploy 1 echelon this makes this far more appealing.

The combat echelon used here is:
Scarecrow, you get her for free when you unlock Protocol Assimilation.
2 Goliath Factories, these can even be level 1 but the higher the better
1 Jaeger (Jaguar also works perfectly well), mine's level 70 but obviously anything better makes it easier

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