
Dev Letter #21 Recap

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Welcome to the 21st iteration of the Touhou Lostword Dev Letter! With so many things to unpack, there is bound to be something for everyone to enjoy, such as the brand new campaign for free prayers every 500 retweets.


Wood EX was quite a ride for the players who cleared it! With a clear rate of 35.80% for those who challenged it, it seems like F1 Koishi KomeijiA6 Reimu Hakurei, and F1 Reimu Hakurei are at the top of usage in their clears or farms for it, while Story Cards like The Witch of Scarlet Dreams, Protection of Cerpinus, and Myouren Temple Anniversary provide the extra boost that these characters may need.

Additional stats about the Mochi event rerun! Seems like Satori was able to deduce the enemy's weakness, and came out as one of the best characters to use.

A Word Cloud for the previous Dev Letter! Seems like people anticipated the arrival of L80 Youmu and even possibly a Relic Kanako.

Finally, a new Music Video was announced for Okina Matara! 

Fantasy Rebirth

Fantasy Rebirth costumes for Medicine Melancholy and Hina Kagiyama have been revealed!


A new event which features our favorite Prince, Toyosatomimi no Miko, has been announced! There's also a costume for her, as well as her esteemed steed to boot!

Vs. Divergent Spirit has now been announced. Coupled with exclusive friends to acquire from rituals, this set of challenging content that's set to release regularly will provide additional goods like Story Cards, Superior Wood, and more!

The first set of Divergent Spirit fights have been announced, with it being against L1 Letty Whiterock and A6 Marisa Kirisame respectively. As they also provide some useful cards like Behind The Bullets: Reimu Hakurei and Infinity Garden, be sure to do these fights when possible!

A timeline for future VS Divergent Spirit fights

To help prepare for Vs Divergent Spirit, there will also be a new stage that will give a load of EXP to raise your units with! Take advantage of this stage while you can.

A new Manga event has been announced to be released in the middle of March!

2.5M Download Campaign

As celebration for the 2.5 million downloads that Touhou Lostword has recently achieved, the developers decided to give some stuff like a Roulette where you can even pull the illustrious F1 Reimu Hakurei, a ritual that can guarantee an Ultra Festival friend, and more!


C3 Miyoi Okunoda has now been announced! Specializing in breaking anomalies, Miyoi can also support the team with power generation, as well as additional buffs!

Alongside Miyoi, is another Epic from the past: A rerun of F1 Reimu Hakurei!


You can now restart the battle without spending more Spirit Points, as well as sound improvements

5 additional team slots have been added, totalling to 10, as well as changes to the UI with locked content on the Challenge Mode tab

Revamp of how Sun and Metal elements look to differentiate the two much easier now.

Additional songs for Reimu's Great Exorcism has been added!
