
VS Divergent Spirits: Letty (L1)

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Featured Story Card

The ★5 Infinity Garden story card boasts powerful effects which makes it a very worthwhile card to farm for. As the first 50% Laser Bullet UP card that the game has to offer, it has the privilege to be monopolized by units whose Spell Cards consist of Laser-type bullet lines. If you equip this card to a unit that have Wood elemental bullet lines, they will enjoy a 40% Wood Element UP effect and if that unit also happens to have Laser-type bullet lines, the card will directly increase their damage output by 90%. As an added bonus, a debuff to all enemies' YIN DEF by 1 level is present to help soften the enemies and increase damage output of Yin-based units, although be aware that this effect only activates if used by Technical type units.

List of Friends that Benefit from This Card

Maximizes Usage on Last Word
Full Laser Last Words
Full Wood Last Words
Non-Full Laser Last Words

Character Page: Sunny Milk

Laser Bullet Lines: 2, 4, and 6

Character Page: Yuyuko Saigyouji

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 3, and 5

Character Page: Byakuren Hijiri

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 3, and 5

Character Page: Tewi Inaba

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 3, and 5

Character Page: Keine Kamishirasawa

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 3, 4, and 5

Character Page: Shou Toramaru

Laser Bullet Lines: 2, 4, and 6

Character Page: Reisen Udongein Inaba (Lunar War Soldier)

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 2, 5, and 6

Character Page: Ringo (Veteran Detective of the Capital)

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 2, and 3

Character Page: Yuyuko Saigyouji (Tiny Ghost Mistress)

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 2, 3, and 4

Character Page: Eirin Yagokoro (Eternal)

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 3, 4, and 6

Half Laser + Half Wood Last Words

Character Page: Yuyuko Saigyouji (Cherry Blossom)

Laser Bullet Lines: 1, 2, and 3

Wood Element Bullet Lines: 4, 5, and 6

Fight Overview

Wave 1

Enemy Info

L1 Lily White

Level 60


Level 100


Additional Info

Skills Gauge 1 Break Gauge 2 Break

[Yang DEF UP!+]
Own YANG DEF UP by 1 level (8T)

Inflicts 1 layer of Barrier Status: Poison to all targets (2T)

Own Focus UP by 3 levels (1T)

[Yin ATK UP!]
Own YIN ATK UP by 8 levels (10T)

All targets' YIN DEF DOWN by 8 levels (10T)

L1 Letty Whiterock

Level 60


Level 100


Additional Info

Skills Gauge 1 Break Gauge 2 Break

[Yang DEF UP!+]
Own YANG DEF UP by 1 level (8T)

Inflicts 1 layer of Barrier Status: Poison to all targets (2T)

Own Focus DOWN by 3 levels (1T)

[Graze Seal!]
Seals Graze usage of all targets (1T)

[Spell Card Seal!+]
Seals Spell Card usage of all targets (2T)

Seals Graze usage of all targets (1T)

L1 Shizuha Aki

Level 60


Level 100


Additional Info

Skills Gauge 1 Break Gauge 2 Break

[Yang DEF UP!+]
Own YANG DEF UP by 1 level (8T)

Inflicts 1 layer of Barrier Status: Poison to all targets (2T)

Own Focus UP by 3 levels (1T)

[CRIT Accuracy UP!]
Party's CRIT ACC UP by 8 levels (10T)

[CRIT Evasion DOWN!]
All targets' CRIT EVA DOWN by 8 levels (10T)

L1 Lily's Special Effects

All attacks are 2.00P

All attacks are Only Yin

All attacks consist of the Earth element

All attacks consist of the Moon element

Enemy Tags: Fairy, Spring, Gensokyo


  • Nullifies the effects of Barrier Status: Freeze

Spell Cards and Last Word:

  • Pre-Effect: Own Evasion UP.

L1 Letty's Special Effects

All attacks are 2.00P

All attacks are Only Yin

All attacks consist of the Moon element

Enemy Tags: Youkai, Ice, Cold, Gensokyo, Winter


  • For every layer of Barrier Status: Freeze - Yang DEF, Yin DEF, CRIT DEF, & CRIT EVA UP by 1 level

Spell Cards and Last Word:

  • Pre-Effect: Recovers own HP.

L1 Shizuha's Special Effects

All attacks are 2.00P

All attacks are Only Yin

All attacks consist of the Moon element

Enemy Tags: Divine, Yaoyorozu no Kami, Autumn, Older Sister, Youkai Mountain, Gensokyo, Religious

Spell Cards and Last Word:

  • Pre-Effect: Own Accuracy UP.

Special Rules

Every special rule selected adds 2 levels of Spirit Level to the challenge and eventually ends at Level 120 once all rules are selected.

To save you the trouble, here are the bullet types and unit types that are not affected by the special rules:

  • Bullet Types: Energy, Laser, Light, Missile, Sharp
  • Unit Types: Attack, Defense, Destroy, Technical, Speed

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Normal Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Normal Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Body Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Body Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Slash Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Slash Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Heavy Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Heavy Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Liquid Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Liquid Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Ofuda Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Ofuda Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Heal type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Heal type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Support type units

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party's Support type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Debuff type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Debuff type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Seal Passive

Enemy: Yang DEF UP

Disables party's Passives (Permanent).

All enemies' Yang DEF 60% UP (Permanent).

Team Comp Guides

Having trouble with the stage? Then you've come to the right place! This section contains some guides that may help you out on your journey in defeating this stage.

Community Guides

Below are some of the community made team comps for the stage that can serve as further reference for your endeavors.

If you want more copies of the card, Spirit Level 100 is the most optimal level to farm the featured story card due to how drop rate works in this challenge quest. As you go higher in levels, the drop rate increases, up until Level 100 and it does not increase further with Special Rules enabled. Therefore, the Level 100 section will only contain farm comps.

Spirit Level 120 comps will also be available mainly for clear purposes due to the task that gives the last free copy of the card. As there will be instances where people will decide to submit farm comps for this level, it has been decided that the Level 120 section will be split into clear and farm comps respectively.

Note that these videos are not affiliated with Gamepress and are made solely by their respective creators. The author has been given permission from the creators about their content being featured in this article via submissions from this article's respective forum/s in the Touhou LostWord Official Discord server.

Base Spirit Level 100

Total Spirit Level 100

[16 SP] H5 Yuuka + F1 Koishi by Lastle#0207

9 Turn Setup (80 + 20)

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Normal Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Normal Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Body Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Body Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Slash Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Slash Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Heavy Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Heavy Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Liquid Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Liquid Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Ofuda Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Ofuda Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Heal type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Heal type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Support type units

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party's Support type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Debuff type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Debuff type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Seal Passive

Enemy: Yang DEF UP

Disables party's Passives (Permanent).

All enemies' Yang DEF 60% UP (Permanent).


  • A mistake was made on Turn 7 during the recording, F1 oishi should graze thrice instead. Nevertheless, she should be able to survive the attacks for the majority of the time.

[32 SP] A7A Reimu + A7B Reimu + A7B Marisa + A7A Marisa by NotRyuu#8144

5 Turn Setup (84 + 16)

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Normal Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Normal Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Slash Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Slash Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Heavy Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Heavy Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Liquid Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Liquid Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Heal type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Heal type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Support type units

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party's Support type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Debuff type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Debuff type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

[33 SP] A6 Flandre + L80 Flandre + E1 Flandre by aabbcc#9591

8 Turn Setup (84 + 16)

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Body Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Body Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Heavy Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Heavy Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party: Liquid Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Liquid Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party: Ofuda Bullet power DOWN

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party's DMG with Ofuda Bullets 95% DOWN (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Heal type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Heal type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Support type units

Enemy: Max HP UP

Party's Support type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Max HP 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Weaken Debuff type units

Enemy: Yin ATK UP

Party's Debuff type unit's Total Power 35% DOWN (Permanent).

All enemies' Yin ATK 6% UP (Permanent).

Party: Seal Passive

Enemy: Yang DEF UP

Disables party's Passives (Permanent).

All enemies' Yang DEF 60% UP (Permanent).

Total Spirit Level 101-119

Level 120 Comps

Clear Comps

Farm Comps

Legacy Team Comp Guides

(Legacy Edition) Community Guides

Below are some older community made team comps for this stage's initial run that could serve as further reference for your endeavors. However, if you are planning to replicate or take inspiration from these specific ones, you might not be guaranteed to get the results you are looking for, potentially due to developments in the game such as the Game Balance Adjustment in March 2023 (shown in this news post) or a HP bug that used to occur when special rules were selected.

These following comps will fall under the same criteria as the above comps, from Base Spirit Level 100, to Total Spirit Level (100, 101-119, 120).

Note that these videos are not affiliated with Gamepress and are made solely by their respective creators. The author has been given permission from the creators about their content being featured in this article via submissions from this article's respective forum/s in the Touhou LostWord Official Discord server.

Level 120 Comps

Clear Comps

Farm Comps


Special thanks to everyone who continuously supports the article with the team comps submitted!

If you have any team comps that you wish to be in this article, please use the VS Divergent Spirits: Letty (L1) forum post under #gamepress-farming-comps forum of the Touhou Lostword Official Discord server and follow the pinned message posted in there.

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About the Author(s)

I usually write about strategy guides as I try to fix my skill issue. I can be contacted via Discord (Minzhire#0225) but mainly on Touhou LostWord Official Discord's #lostword-strategy channel. If you got any feedbacks and/or suggestions regarding the articles I've worked on, please use the #gamepress-feedback channel.
