
The Protector (Defensive Tank)

Budget Passive A
Budget Passive B
Budget Special
Budget Support
Budget Weapon
default unlocked support
default unlocked weapon
Inherit a
Inherit b
Inherit c
Inherit Special
Inherit Support
Inherit Weapon
Passive A
Passive B
Passive C
Set Explanation

Weapon: Slaying Lance+ (+Spd) / Vanguard+ (+Spd) / Barrier Lance+ (+Spd) / Luncheon Lance (+Spd)

  • The choice of weapon for this set is mostly up to player preference, as different options will make Sigrun better at dealing with different threats. A Slaying Lance is a good generalist approach, as reducing her Special cooldown will always be effective.

  • Luncheon Lance and Vanguard both increase Sigrun’s effectiveness against physical damage threats, but differ in that Luncheon Lance trades some Defense for Attack in addition to being seasonal-locked.

  • Barrier Lance is a good choice for dealing with magical damage threats, something that Sigrun is particularly good at thanks to her Resistance.

Assist: Reposition / Swap

Special: Moonbow / Bonfire / Iceberg

  • The choice of Special is mostly dependent on Sigrun’s weapon; Moonbow is always a good option for its lower cooldown, particularly when combined with a Slaying Lance.

  • Otherwise, either Bonfire or Iceberg should be used, depending on whether Sigrun has higher Defense or Resistance after accounting for all her skills and team support.

Passive A: Distant Counter / Close Def / Steady Stance (3 or 4) / Warding Stance (3 or 4)

  • Distant Counter is always a good option for a defensive set, and Sigrun can make particularly good use of it due to her good mixed bulk.

  • Outside of Distant Counter, Close Def and both Steady/Warding Stance 4 are good options. Close Def is good for giving Sigrun universal protection against melee threats. Steady/Warding Stance 4 push her into a specialized direction, but the additional Guard effect on them is powerful and makes them worth utilizing. Steady/Warding Stance 3 are generally not as good as Close Def or Steady/Warding Stance 4, but are acceptable if nothing else is available.

Passive B: Guard / Quick Riposte

  • Guard is a very important skill to have on a defensive unit, as otherwise they will struggle to deal with units that have powerful Specials (such as armors with Bold Fighter).

  • Sigrun can get away with not running Guard if she is utilizing Steady/Warding Stance 4, since they have the Guard effect built-in. In this case, it’s better for her to run Quick Riposte; although she has decent Speed, Quick Riposte is still important to ensure that she can double since many units can easily match her Speed.

Passive C: Hone Fliers / Flexible

  • Sigrun’s base Hone Fliers is always a good option since she works best in flier teams, but otherwise her C skill can be replaced as needed to suit the team.

Sacred Seal: Quick Riposte / Close Def / Distant Def

  • If Sigrun isn’t running Quick Riposte as her B skill, then running it as her Sacred Seal is ideal.

  • Alternatively, Close Def and Distant Def are both good options for increasing Sigrun’s overall bulkiness. Distant Def is only really worth using if she is also running Distant Counter, as otherwise she’s better off simply avoiding combat with ranged units.

SP Cost
Alternate Seal
Build Author