Analysis by ZeShado
Hardin - The Coyote


Obtainable as a 5 only

Hero Stats

Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40
HP 41
ATK 41
SPD 44
DEF 32
RES 21

Stat Variations

Level 1 Stat Variation
Low 16 10 10 5 5
Middle 17 11 11 6 6
High 18 12 12 7 7

Level 40 Stat Variations
Low 38 38 40 29 18
Middle 41 41 44 32 21
High 44 45 47 35 24

IV Sets

Key stats worth increasing through nature if possible.
Complementary stats that matter, but not to the point of picking them over key stats for nature increase.
Relatively worthless stat that can safely be decreased through nature.

Skill Sets

This is My Girlfriend, Nyna, and this is Nyna’s Boyfriend, Camus. (Standard Player Phase)

Build by ZeShado
Coyote's Lance A Surge Sparrow
Alternate: Atk/Spd Catch 4
Positional Assist B A/S Near Trace 3
Alternate: Watersweep 3
Draconic Aura
Alternate: Luna
C Atk Smoke 4
Alternate: Spd Smoke 4

+ATK or +SPD / -RES

SBlade Session 3
Alternate: Heavy Blade 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Coyote's Lance

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Draconic Aura / Luna / Dragon Fang

A Passive: Surge Sparrow / Atk/Spd Catch

B Passive: A/S Near Trace / Watersweep / Windsweep

C Passive: Atk Smoke 4 / Spd Smoke 4 / Atk/Spd Menace

Sacred Seal: Blade Session / Heavy Blade / Atk/Spd Solo

  • Coyote’s Lance is a solid weapon all things considered. Innate Slaying with a visible guaranteed follow-up, a bunch of Atk and Spd, Damage Reduction, and additional True Damage based on how many spaces were moved prior to entering combat, can be quite effective in practice, especially since he doesn’t have to choose between running Near Trace and Flows as he’ll be able to double consistently in most scenarios. It may not that new for FEH standards, but it works all the same, and if you do plan to use and/or invest in him, consider the following skills.
  • Draconic Aura is a fine enough Special for him as it’s a three-cooldown Special that scales on one of his best stats. That being said, it can be replaced for Luna or Dragon Fang, the former for shredding through much more defensive-oriented opponents, and the latter, when paired with Heavy Blade, for much more ease of defeating foes. It’s also worth mentioning that running a three-cooldown Special with Watersweep or Windsweep and Heavy Blade can allow him to deal damage and limit how much damage he takes in turn.
  • There’s very little reason to replace his innate Surge Sparrow as it helps him with longevity purposes and provides a great deal of Atk and Spd in the Player Phase. However, if you want something that works in both phases, Atk/Spd Catch is a good alternative, and while it lacks any healing properties, he’ll less likely be prone to doubles in the Enemy Phase, covertly increasing his longevity as a result.
  • Hardin can keep his innate A/S Near Trace for Hit and Run purposes, which is important if needing to act in the Enemy Phase as his weapon has a proximity condition in said phase. However, because his weapon grants him a visible guaranteed follow-up, he can always replace it for Watersweep or Windsweep, the former helping against Dragons. It would cancel out the guaranteed follow-up and become a Spd check, which he should fail at. Just keep in mind that if the foe does have follow-up prevention, that will cancel out the guaranteed follow-up and make skills such as Watersweep and Windsweep moot.
  • When it comes to Cavalry units, C Passive options are relatively limited. There’s always Smokes and Menaces, which can work quite well for him, but that’s about it in terms of effective options or options that don’t entirely overlap with his PRF. Atk Smoke 4 may be the better of the two Smoke 4 options as preventing doubles, in general, will help with his longevity. That being said, with Spd Smoke 4 active, he’ll be taking less damage on the foe’s first attack and will scale better if he isn’t being doubled at all. Other than that, Atk/Spd Menace works well not only for pure offensive prowess but can also help with Heavy Blade checks as the Atk difference swings significantly as a result.
  • In terms of Sacred Seal options, anything that boosts his overall offensive prowess will be the go-to option for him. Blade Session and Atk/Spd Solo are two of the more consistent options for bolstering his overall Atk and Spd to significant degrees. That being said, Heavy Blade is also a good option if you want to run a harder-hitting Special and secure more kills in general.

"Ben: A good cow." (Galeforce)

Build by ZeShado
Coyote's Lance A Fury (3 or 4)
Alternate: Heavy Blade 4
Positional Assist B A/S Near Trace 3
Alternate: A/D Near Trace 3
Galeforce C Savage Blow 3
Alternate: Atk/Spd Menace

+ATK or +SPD / -HP or -RES

SHeavy Blade 3
Alternate: Fury 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Coyote's Lance

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Galeforce

A Passive: Fury (3 or 4) / Heavy Blade 4 / Atk/Spd Boosting A Slot

B Passive: A/S Near Trace / A/D Near Trace

C Passive: Savage Blow / Atk/Spd Menace

Sacred Seal: Heavy Blade / Fury / Savage Blow / Blade Session

  • Hardin can make for a decent Galeforce unit as the innate Slaying and guaranteed follow-up granted to Hardin can allow him to consistently double in most scenarios and get Galeforce off much more easily. The only caveat is that he’ll need to run Heavy Blade in his kit so that he can get it off. However, running any form of Quickened Pulse support, whether that’s from Grandscratcher or Groom Rafiel, will alleviate the issue, although at the cost of a team slot. Regardless, Hardin can perform quite adequately as a Galeforce unit, and if you plan to use him as one, consider the following skills.
  • Depending on the type of Galeforce tactic you want to use, Hardin can either stack Fury to set up Wings of Mercy chaining or further bolster his Atk and Spd for Hit and Run purposes in tandem with his innate A/S Near Trace. Near Trace, regardless of the tactic, will be beneficial for positioning purposes, but if you are confident that he’ll double without it in instances where his guaranteed follow-up becomes a Spd check, he can instead run A/D Near Trace for more damage output. Keeping the Atk debuff from Near Trace will also help with Heavy Blade checks, so it is advised that one of the stats allotted to the skill is Atk.
  • In terms of C Passive options, there’s a surprising lack of notable options afforded to him. Beyond Savage Blow, which can be paired with the Savage Blow Sacred Seal for widdling down nearby foes, there’s not much else other than Atk/Spd Menace which can still work relatively well, but is quite expensive and may not be nearly as effective as Savage Blow in a Galeforce composition, not to mention the overlap it has with Coyote’s Lance as both visibly grant Atk and Spd. As such, the former might be much more beneficial.
  • As Hardin lacks any form of unconditional cooldown in his weapon, he’ll want Heavy Blade somewhere in his kit. Using up the Sacred Seal for Heavy Blade will probably be the better of the two options as it’s relatively cost-effective, but if you would rather maximize its potential, you can instead run Heavy Blade 4 and get a few more bits of True Damage during combat. That being said, there are alternative Sacred Seals that he can take up for further bolstering his Galeforce prowess whether that’s Fury, for setting up Wings of Mercy chaining, Savage Blow, to make taking down nearby foes much more reliable, or Blade Session, to further boost his overall Atk and Spd.


Coyote’s Lance

    Hardin, surprisingly, didn’t get shafted on debut as he comes with Coyote’s Lance, which to summarize, grants the following:

  • Accelerated Cooldown -1 (Slaying)
  • Visible Player Phase Guaranteed Follow-Up at the Start of Turn to Himself and Cavalry Allies
  • +6 Atk/Spd at the Start of Turn to Himself and Cavalry Allies
  • 40% Damage Reduction on Foe’s First Attack
  • True Damage Clash (3 x Spaces Moved Up to 9 Total)

    In terms of offensive prowess, it’s relatively strong as the innate Slaying and guaranteed follow-up allows him to consistently double in most scenarios as any form of follow-up negation will simply become a Spd check, which he’ll most likely never struggle with. Moreover, despite most of his stats being put into Atk and Spd, Hardin will be able to take a hit in many instances as Coyote’s Lance has innate Damage Reduction on the foe’s first attack, and if you’re worried about the foe potentially getting a second attack out, there’s a solid possibility that he’ll defeat them before they can double as he also has True Damage Clash per his own attacks. Meanwhile, in terms of supportive prowess, while not necessarily the strongest and most desirable, can still be quite helpful in team compositions that heavily consist of Cavalry allies. Overall, Hardin is a solid addition to the game’s catalog, and if you are in need of a Lance Cavalry unit, he may be worth considering.

Fantastic Offenses

    As with most modern units nowadays, they have a very well-allocated statline, and for Hardin’s case, he has an offensive stat spread of 41/44 Atk/Spd, the former stat also being a superboon, allowing him to strike even harder when taken.


Foes w/ Guaranteed Follow-Ups

    While this can be mitigated with the likes of Null Follow-Up support, in instances where that isn’t available to Hardin if he were to go up against units that have any form of guaranteed follow-up and he doesn’t defeat them before they land a second hit, there’s a good chance that he’ll fall in that combat as his mixed bulk isn’t the greatest, and while he does get Damage Reduction, it’s only applicable on the first attack. So, any attack that follows will deal full damage.


    While Hardin does have quite a bit going for him, both in terms of utility and combative prowess, there are other Lance Cavalry that can perform similar tasks with nearly the same, or even better, results. Brave Chrom, in particular, is one of the standout contemporaries as not only does he have Slaying & Damage Reduction, but thanks to A Fate Changed! granting him another action, as well as the unconditional accelerated cooldown per attack he gains when he has an active bonus, he’ll have a much easier time outputting damage, especially with Armor Effectiveness in tow, and/or acting as a Galeforce unit as his range is much larger with the added benefit of not having to rely on Heavy Blade checks. On the other hand, Jeralt, while not nearly as fast and lacks Damage Reduction properties, is built much more defensively and is more likely to survive in instances where both units have to take two hits, and while not necessarily comparable, is much more flexible in team compositions as his supportive niche can benefit more allies than Hardin’s guaranteed follow-up to cavalry allies shtick.

Weapon Skills

Weapons SP Rng. Mt.
Iron Lance
Learns by default at 1 ★
Unlocks at 1 ★
Lance Users Only
50 1 6
Steel Lance
Learns by default at 2 ★
Unlocks at 2 ★
Lance Users Only
100 1 8
Silver Lance
Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Lance Users Only
200 1 11
Coyote's Lance

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and the following effect to unit and cavalry allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn: "If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack."

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40%, and deals damage = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat × 3 (max: 9).

(Except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials.)

Learns by default at 5 ★
Unlocks at 5 ★
Non-Inheritable skill.
400 1 16
Available Rearmed Weapons
Arcane Qiang
Weapon Evolution
Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Upgrades

Special Skills

Special Skills SP Turns
Dragon Gaze

Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Atk.

Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
100 4
Draconic Aura

Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Atk.

Unlocks at 4 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
200 3

Passive Skills

Passive Skills SP Slot
Darting Blow 1

If unit initiates combat, grants Spd+2 during combat.

Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
Unlocks at 2 ★
Swift Sparrow 1

If unit initiates combat, unit granted Atk/Spd+2 during battle.

Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
Unlocks at 3 ★
Swift Sparrow 2

If unit initiates combat, unit granted Atk/Spd+4 during battle.

Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
Unlocks at 4 ★
Surge Sparrow

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+7 to unit during combat, and also, if unit deals damage to foe using a Special, restores HP = X% of unit's max HP (X = unit's max Special cooldown count value × 20, + 10; max 100). (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.)

Restricted to melee units.
Unlocks at 5 ★
A/S Near Trace 1

Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】. 

Inflicts Atk/Spd-1 on foe during combat. 

【Canto (Rem. +1)】 After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn +1. (If unit used a movement skill that warped them, its remaining movement is 0.) 

(Unit moves according to movement type.

Once per turn.

Cannot attack or assist.

Only highest value applied.

Does not stack.

After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action.

Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted.

Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit's remaining movement +1.)

Cavalry & Flying Only
Unlocks at 1 ★
A/S Near Trace 2

Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】. 

Inflicts Atk/Spd-2 on foe during combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】 After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn +1. (If unit used a movement skill that warped them, its remaining movement is 0.) 

(Unit moves according to movement type.

Once per turn.

Cannot attack or assist.

Only highest value applied.

Does not stack.

After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action.

Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted.

Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit's remaining movement +1.)

Cavalry & Flying Only
Unlocks at 2 ★
A/S Near Trace 3

Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】. 

Inflicts Atk/Spd-3 on foe during combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】 After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn +1. (If unit used a movement skill that warped them, its remaining movement is 0.) 

(Unit moves according to movement type.

Once per turn.

Cannot attack or assist.

Only highest value applied.

Does not stack.

After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action.

Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted.

Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit's remaining movement +1.)

Cavalry & Flying Only
Unlocks at 4 ★

Other Info

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem

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