Analysis by ZeShado
Haar - Black Tempest

Related Heroes

Hero Stats

Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40
HP 45
ATK 37
SPD 25
DEF 36
RES 18

Stat Variations

Level 1 Stat Variation
Low 16 8 5 9 4
Middle 17 9 6 10 5
High 18 10 7 11 6

Level 40 Stat Variations
Low 42 34 22 33 14
Middle 45 37 25 36 18
High 48 40 29 39 21

IV Sets

Key stats worth increasing through nature if possible.
Complementary stats that matter, but not to the point of picking them over key stats for nature increase.
Relatively worthless stat that can safely be decreased through nature.

This unit requires use of Trait Fruits to get access to IVs

Skill Sets

Haar Good?! (Vantage)

Build by ZeShado
Tempest's Claw (+Eff) A Distant Storm
Alternate: Distant Counter
Positional Assist B Vantage 3
Ruptured Sky
Alternate: Moonbow
C Atk/Def Rein 3
Alternate: Joint Drive Atk


SAtk/Def Form 3
Alternate: Atk/Def Solo 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Tempest’s Claw (+Eff)

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Ruptured Sky / Glimmer / Moonbow

A Passive: Distant Storm / Distant Counter

B Passive: Vantage

C Passive: Atk/Def Rein / Joint Drive Atk / Def Smoke

Sacred Seal: Atk/Def Form / Atk/Def Solo / Heavy Blade

  • One of the most notable aspects about Tempest’s Claw is its innate Dual Phase Brave effect as the unit with it can output two attacks before the foe can attack once, and given that it applies in both phases, one could easily give him Vantage and potentially sweep foes in the Enemy Phase. It’s easily one of the more optimal sets for Haar as he isn’t as prone to incoming attacks as other units would be. However, it is worth noting that he has to be within two spaces of an ally if the foe initiates combat to get the most out of Tempest’s Claw, so be wary of that if you also decide to use him in the Player Phase as well. Regardless, it’s relatively straightforward, so I won’t drag it out any longer than needed.
  • Given that Haar will be banking on two-shotting opponents, he will want to run a low-cooldown Special that’s easy to activate, whether that’s Ruptured Sky, Glimmer, or Moonbow. It is worth pointing out that he will either need Heavy Blade in his Sacred Seal slot or has to be near allies that grant him accelerated cooldown during combat. That being said, the latter is much more consistent and it can free up his Sacred Seal for more damage output.
  • As a Vantage unit, he’ll naturally want to be able to counter foes when they initiate on him so that he doesn’t fall in combat. As such, giving him a Distant Counter skill is basically imperative for his performance. Distant Storm is currently the best available option as it grants additional Atk during combat and can allow him to counter every foe. However, a regular Distant Counter will still work well enough if you don’t have it readily available.
  • Atk/Def Rein can be convenient for not only increasing his damage output but also making Heavy Blade checks a bit more manageable. However, the priority is to increase his damage output, so if the option isn’t available, he can instead run Joint Drive Atk. Def Smoke can potentially work if there are foes in range, but it’s a lot less consistent. Still, it works well enough on budget.
  • Haar will mainly want to bolster his Atk stat since he needs to take out his foes on a consistent basis. However, given the nature of skills in the modern day, he can bolster two stats at once without any sort of opportunity cost. As such, Atk/Def Form & Atk/Def Solo are solid go-to options, the former granting an additional point of Atk/Def and doesn’t have a Solo requirement and the latter having a much larger floor for stats. Other than that, he can simply take Heavy Blade for consistent two-cooldown Special triggers unless he has accelerated cooldown support.

I Know This is a Haar Build But R.I.P. Sothis Lmao (Melee Specialist)

Build by ZeShado
Tempest's Claw (+Eff) A Atk/Def Catch 4
Alternate: Atk/Def Unity
Positional Assist B Vantage 3
Alternate: A/D Near Trace 3
Alternate: Noontime
C Atk/Def Rein 3
Alternate: Def Smoke 3


SAtk/Def Form 3
Alternate: Atk Smoke 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Tempest's Claw (+Eff)

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Ignis / Noontime / Ruptured Sky / Glimmer / Bonfire

A Passive: Atk/Def Catch / Atk/Def Unity / Atk/Def Form

B Passive: Vantage / A/D Near Trace / Guard Bearing

C Passive: Atk/Def Rein / Def Smoke / Joint Drive Atk

Sacred Seal: Atk/Def Form / Atk Smoke / Savage Blow / Heavy Blade

  • Due to his ability to attack twice in both phases, on top of having a relatively min-maxed statline that heavily focuses on his Melee-tanking capabilities, he can make for a relatively good Melee Specialist as he can simply focus on taking on foes that generally target the higher of his two defensive stats. It’s also another approach to building Haar if you don’t want to risk his survival against units that are more likely to target his Res and/or may have some form of Hardy Bearing effect present. As such, this set is here if you are looking for another approach to building Haar.
  • If you choose to run any sort of two-cooldown Special with Haar, whether that’s Ruptured Sky, Noontime, or Glimmer, he won’t need any accelerated cooldown support as he’ll be able to trigger it on his second hit. Ruptured Sky & Glimmer are solid for general damage output while Noontime is good for sustainability purposes. That being said, he can increase the cooldown count of his Special in an attempt to secure more kills, whether that’s with Bonfire or Ignis. With Bonfire, he will either need to run Heavy Blade or some form of accelerated cooldown support so that he can trigger it consistently while with Ignis, he’ll need to run Breath support as the four cooldown will make it difficult to trigger otherwise.
  • Given that he’ll mainly be going up against foes that target his Def stat, he’ll naturally want to bolster his Atk and Def as much as possible. Since he’ll realistically only output two attacks in any given phase, having more Atk will help with securing kills, and if he has to fall back on taking hits, stacking Def will help with that, especially in some instances where the foe targets his Res as he has flat Damage Reduction based on his Def stat. Notable options include Atk/Def Catch, which bolsters his Atk/Def the most out of any current skill, Atk/Def Unity, which can reverse any debuffs he receives to said stats, and Atk/Def Form, which is a flat Atk/Def boost and is relatively accessible to many.
  • In terms of Enemy Phase-centric B Passives, there aren’t that many unfortunately for his archetype. Vantage is still one of his main options as he can still attack twice before the foe can counter. However, he will have to latch onto Breath support for Special triggering consistency. Other than that, he can take advantage of his weapon’s Dual Phase nature by giving him A/D Near Trace, attacking in the Player Phase and potentially inflicting chip damage and/or debuffs with the likes of Savage Blow and Smokes, and then retreat to an ally and resume his Enemy Phase role. Beyond that, there’s Guard Bearing which won’t bolster his performance to a significant degree as it only works on the first hit in the Enemy Phase, but it can potentially come in clutch if the first foe just so happens to target his Res.
  • Atk/Def Rein will be his go-to C Passive as it actively bolsters both of his defensive stats and grants additional damage output, which can also be convenient for Heavy Blade checks if applicable. Joint Drive Atk is an alternative option to Atk/Def Rein, but keep in mind that it won’t work if he goes beyond his leash of two spaces. Otherwise, Def Smoke works for budget purposes.
  • The Sacred Seal in question should continue to capitalize on his ability to act as a Melee Specialist, so skills such as Atk/Def Form and Atk Smoke will do well for him. Beyond that, he can attempt to use Savage Blow with the likes of A/D Near Trace as it can make securing kills in the Enemy Phase much more secure or run Heavy Blade with a three-cooldown Special if you decide to not bring any form of accelerated cooldown support.


Tempest's Claw

    If Haar was a bit difficult to recommend before, then I’m glad to say that he’s much more justifiable now thanks to his new Tempest's Claw. To simplify his effects, he essentially has:

  • Dual Phase Brave (Attack Twice Consecutively in Both Phases)
  • Trades Bow Weakness For Blue Tome Weakness
  • Atk/Def +5 During Combat
  • Guard
  • Flat 15% DR Based on His Def

    The most notable effect of this bunch will easily be the Dual Phase Brave effect as now he can reliably dump his Spd stat and still output two attacks in both phases, thus increasing his general damage output and ability to secure kills in general. That, coupled with an additional +5 Atk, means he’ll be hitting relatively well as the MT penalty is subsidized as a result. Beyond that, he trades his innate Flier weakness for a Blue Tome weakness which is a solid trade-off given that any Mage will shred through his bulk, even when taking his Damage Reduction into account and can continue to capitalize on his Def stat because of it. Speaking of which, the Damage Reduction he innately comes with can be used for any sort of Melee Specialist or tanking role, albeit the former is a lot more consistent, which is especially helpful if he has to go up against units that target his Res (Mostly Dragons). Outside of that, he has Guard which can be beneficial in some aspects for taking hits. Overall, he has a lot of solid aspects and I’d be hard-pressed to imagine anyone being disappointed with this refine.

Flier Perks

    Haar being a Flier does have its fair share of benefits as he does have access to an assortment of skills that can him to a significant degree. Catch and Trace, in particular, are fantastic stat boosters, the latter also granting after combat movement, but are mainly going to work best with any sort of Melee-centric build. Moreover, Trace can be beneficial for meeting his two-space leash condition as he can simply retreat back to an ally. The other notable skill he has access to is Rein as it debuffs two respective stats on the foe which, in turn, can bolster up to three of Haar’s stats depending on the variant used (e.g. Atk/Def Rein debuffing the foe’s Atk/Def equates to +4 Atk/Def/Res on Haar). Simply put, he has plenty of options at his disposal.

General Flexibility

    Thanks to Haar’s stat allocation and Dual Phase Brave effect, he isn’t locked to one role. Although his archetype does limit it, he can still make for a solid Melee Specialist & Vantage unit, the former taking advantage of his innate Damage Reduction & Guard, thus prolonging his overall longevity, and the latter capitalizing on his combative prowess, allowing him to take on many more foes without the need of Far Save support or anything of similar stature.


Low Defensive Properties

    Outside of attacks that target his Def, most of which he can simply shrug off, the lack of Res on top of the Spd he loses out on due to his refine means that he will generally be doubled by most, if not all, of his opponents. This can be a problem if he ends up missing any kills as he’ll end up eating two hits, and if the foe so happens to target his Res stat, then he’ll more than likely fall in combat. However, if he is being run as a Melee Specialist, he can essentially remove himself from most of that danger as the only foes that will be able to target his Res at one range are Dragons & the rare units that have adaptive. Regardless, it’s not completely foolproof as many Dragons can simply soak his damage with the likes of Dragon Wall and then finish him off.

Weapon Skills

Weapons SP Rng. Mt.
Iron Axe
Learns by default at 1 ★
Unlocks at 1 ★
Inheritable by Axe users only.
50 1 6
Steel Axe
Learns by default at 3 ★
Unlocks at 2 ★
Inheritable by Axe users only.
100 1 8
Brave Axe

Spd-5. Attack twice when initiating combat.

Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Inheritable by Axe users only.
200 1 5
Brave Axe+

Spd-5. Attack twice when initiating combat.

Learns by default at 5 ★
Unlocks at 5 ★
Inheritable by Axe users only.
300 1 8
Tempest's Claw

Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Blue tomes are effective against unit. Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice.

Unlocks at 5 ★
Non-Inheritable skill.
400 1 10
Available Rearmed Weapons
Arcane Þrima
Arcane Downfall
Weapon Evolution
Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Upgrades

Support Skills

Support Skills Rng. SP

Unit and target ally swap spaces.

Learns by default at 4 ★
1 150

Passive Skills

Passive Skills SP Slot
Guard 1

If unit's HP is ≥ 100% at start of combat, enemy is inflicted with Special cooldown charge-1.
(If using similar skill, only highest value applied.)

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 3 ★
Guard 2

If unit's HP is ≥ 90% at start of combat, enemy is inflicted with Special cooldown charge-1.
(If using similar skill, only highest value applied.)

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 4 ★
Guard 3

If unit's HP is ≥ 80% at start of combat, enemy is inflicted with Special cooldown charge-1.
(If using similar skill, only highest value applied.)

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 5 ★
Odd Def Wave 1

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 1 ★
Odd Def Wave 2

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 2 ★
Odd Def Wave 3

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 4 ★

Other Info

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

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