
Should I roll for Broly?

I only have 2 SP (Goku and Vegeta). Will Broly make for a good third?

Asked by homu5 years 11 months ago


by Youth 5 years 11 months ago

Broly is meant to be used on a strike team and since he carries a blast and a strike card, you really want x4 strike cards from your other units. So Pikkon and SSJ Goku would be perfect for him. They also synergize because 2 are movie characters and two are saiyans.

I'm assuming you mean SP Goku and not SP SSJ Goku though? In that case I can't say Broly would fit in well. For one thing Broly is a blue unit (as is SP Goku). And both running SP Goku and SP Vegeta will yield x5 blast cards and x1 strike cards really hurts Broly (with the highest strike damage in the game).

SSJ Goku. Thank you for breaking it down for me. I think I'll save my gems for someone that fits my team better then!