
help me built pvp team

Any suggestion to built a team for pvp?? (with all 5 colour element) except those in photo also i have piccolo green (5stars) vegeta red (5 stars) krillin blue (3 stars) Turtles purple (2 stars) pan blue (3stars) goku blue (spirit bomb, 3stars) and broly red (the broly of event not the broly of summon,1 star)

Asked by Sokratis19895 years 5 months ago


by Haf1 5 years 5 months ago

Yel final form frieza, blu 1st form frieza, grn cooler, pur chilled, red broly, EX yel 1st form frieza or EX dodoria

This party should carry you through lots and lots of PvP matches. Might even get to the top 10.000 with your party

You can also have a saiyan team with sp ssj 3 goku purple, sp goku Black yellow and sp ssj goku blue as your main party. Ssj 3 goku is the starter as he gains insane buffs whenever he enters the battlefields while goku Black outputs amazing blast damage dealer while also being a tank and goku blue deals nice strike damage and is the finisher when all members are defeated. For bench members, we will need to see your character list to provide a better custom team but you can use sp ssj goku red and sp Vegeta purple as their z-abilities give them more strike and blast attack, thus making them more aggressive. In summary the main team has sp ssj3 goku purple, sp ssj goku blue and sp goku Black while the bench consists of sp ssj goku red and sp Vegeta purple.