
Can you put up a hero tier list or atleast a recommended team to limit break 3 stars to broly fury red in which only hero cards allowed?

Asked by flori5 years 4 months ago


I beat him with just Shallot. Had the other two HE get me as much dragon balls before they died and then used the Rising KO to beat Broly.

To kill Broly, Shallot should be maxed out in levels and soul boosts as well as the amount of equipment buffing shallot’s strike damage before you should worry about the team he is in. Shallot should also choose a special move that will buff his own stats if you can choose but it is not necessary. Usually the best hero team includes the ginyu force as all the he members buff year other very nicely. Color should not matter much though as Shallot should be your main damage dealer but red ginyu and purple jeice would help the team kill him quicker. As for the game plan, you should gather dragon balls to get a rising rush as quickly as possible. Then let the ginyu force members die and let Shallot be the last man standing to increase the rising rush damage. Use cards and play conservatively until you have either 3 strike arts cards or 1+ special arts cards and the rest are strike arts cards before activating his main ability to become a super saiyan and then use it again to gain damage buffs. Then use the rising rush on him and choose the card that will allow you to use the most amount of special arts cards on him followed by the most amount of strike arts cards. Using special arts cards increases the damage of a rising rush so don’t pick it when asked to choose one of four cards. This should give you enough damage to kill broly. Good luck.