
What’s the best team with my cards

Asked by baines025 years 5 months ago


I would recommend you to keep pulling in this banner and try to get trunks, and make a future team with the new 3 units.
It's a really solid team, it's really fun and it's actually pretty good.
But for now, I would say the best you can do is(obviously level up your units xD) a Core of your 3 SSJ Gokus. And for the bench stuff to buff Saiyan, one health buff, and two damage buffs(one for blast one for strike).
If you do not understand the concept of bench and core there are guides here that explain team building.

Ok thanks mate but what were them new units u were on about and is that including trunks.

Yeah, this banner brought 3 new units, SSJ2 Trunks Teen, SSJ Gohan Teen, and Mai.
All 3 of them have the Future tag, and Z-Abilities to buff that tag. So basically they are a team by themselves.
That's why it's a really good banner for new players.
So if you manage to pull the new trunks in this banner you would have a pretty strong team.
If you want more insight on the team itself and the units, you can head here
and you can see the team.
Ps.: Don't mind too much the bench, you're still new so it's normal that you don't have many units to put them there.(If you wonder what bench is, in this web there's a guide on team building, there it ex`plains it)