
Temporary Replacement for Chilled?

Hey everyone. So I've recently started playing this game and I like it so I'm starting to try building good PvP teams. This is easier said than done for a new player though because getting the right units is all rng. I currently have FF Coora, FF Frieza, Green SP Coora, Super Sayian Broly, and Yellow SP Paikuhan, but have not been able to find Chilled to complete the team. Any ideas for a suitable placeholder? Thanks to anyone who answers.

Asked by Pay2WinNerd5 years 3 months ago


I assume that you are trying to create a lineage of evil team since you want Sp Chilled Purple. If that is the case the next best alternative bench unit would be one that buffs saga from the movies. Currently, units like Sp Broly Red, Sp Goku Purple and Ex Coora Blue are great to complete your team.
It is okay to only have units which buff two members of the team. While we would usually need to know what units you have to decide the best bench unit for your team, you could also use units that buff frieza force units to improve frieza's performance only if you do not have any units which buff 'Saga From The Movies'.