
Regen team/Good team build. Help me

All of the sparkings I have is listed below can someone help me to make a regen team or just a really good team please. Thank you very much🙂

Asked by S@vio5 years 2 months ago


by Axel 5 years 2 months ago

well... a regen? Piccolo green is very strong right now, but he boosts regen only when he reaches 5 stars. Same with zamasu. When I played regen I used DK Piccolo, piccolo green, dabura, kamiccolo, janemba and cell

a REGEN team??? WHY!? first off, you need to get them to 2,000 and then finish soul boosting them (hurry up and take advantage of the Super EXP bonus battle event & the Hunger Raid event!!!!!!!! You wont get another chance to level up and mass farm souls for a LONGGG TIME). Instead of a Regen team, try these combinations as your Core 3, Then just use the units with the best Z-Abilities for them you can find as bench units.

Female Warriors Team - Kale, Mai, Caulifa
Future Team - Zamasu, SSJ Gohan(Adult), Mai
Super Saiyan Variant 1 - SSJ Bardock, SSJ Cabba, SSJ Vegeta (Red)
Super Saiyan Variant 2 - SSJ Bardock, SSJ Broly, SSJ Vegeta
Broly Team - SSJ Broly, Fury Broly, ???

* For Future Team Goku Black, SSJ Trunks, and PF Cell are viable
**For Super Saiyan Variants, as long as you have SSJ Bardock you can use ANY/ALL units with the "Super Saiyan" Tag, just make sure they are "Super Saiyan"'s , SS God/SS3/SS2 will not work.
***The Future Core you have right now is SUPER viable, however i would seriously recommend getting Youth Trunks through the event right now while its up. He is very good.

**** TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EVENTS!!! You need to focus on getting Youth Trunks through "Legends Road" and Rising Souls through "Hunger Raid" because they end in 3 days. Fury Broly Z-Power and Souls are still farmable for 14 days, so dont waste all your energy/energy tickets/crystals via energy refills on him YET, use those on the events listed above and through Super EXP/Super Zeni events.