
Base stats of the fighters


I have read your article, about what formulas you are using to calculate the stats of the fighters, but I was wondering form where do you get the Base Stats? From the development team? Is there an API somewhere?
I would like to mention that this website is great. Thank you and keep up the good work.

Asked by aldeam15 years 2 months ago


To calculate Base Stats, you need two things, their original stats at level 1 and their scale increase. I believe the stats are calculated from each fighter and are used in an algorithm which scales the stats (either exponentially, equally or other method) following their original stats. I think it is also likely that the stats of all HE, EX and SP characters are scaled equally among the rarities of units as well.
As for exact numbers and formulas, I have no idea. Hope this helps answer some parts of your question.

Hi, thank you for your answer. I was thinking more or less in the same way....the "trick" is to have the base stats of the fighter.