
Equipment slots and skills Max levels

I was wondering how to unlock third equipment slots and how to Max all the skills, since with the panels I can get those skills at least reaching level 3-4

Asked by iguanoraptor1235 years 8 months ago


by homu 5 years 8 months ago

Max slots/skills are unavailable until the level cap is raised. There'll be 10 Soul Boost trees total, so we have quite a few more left to go.

The current limits at 1.5k level cap are:

Equipment Slots: 2
Blast/Strike Arts: Level 5 (starting at Lv1, +1 per SB tree)
Special/Extra/Ultimate: Level 2 (starting at Lv1, +1 at 3rd SB tree)

Presumely, the level cap will be raised the game develops. Eventually we will have 3 eq slots, Level 10 Blast/Strike arts, and Level 5 Special/Extra Ultimate arts.