
Help with Team Building

Basically, I only recently started playing DB Legends due to me not knowing about it, which does depress me...

However, I have gathered some fighters and am now struggling to find a team that suits my needs. Can you guys suggest some teams for me that will overall be great in the PvP mode and how to utilize the characters properly?

Here are my SP cards:
Kaioken Goku, Final form Frieza, SSG Goku, SS2 Goku, Krillin, Chilled, Child Gohan, and Pan.

Here are my EX cards:
Bardock (Yellow), Goku (Blue), Nappa (Red), Vegeta (Green), Android #20 (Yellow), Android #19 (Red), Android #18 (Green), Piccolo (Purple), and Cabba (Green).

Thank You!

Asked by CP304195 years 3 months ago


by Fixery 5 years 3 months ago

For build a pvp team I suggest you to bring Kaioken Goku. Final Form Frieza, SSG Goku, Chilled, EX Goku and EX Vegeta. Since you are new in this game your team may have bad synergy but you have some great fighters like Kaioken Goku. Final Form Frieza, SSG Goku, Chilled.

Thank you very much! Also, if there are any teams with good synergy and power level that involve at least some of my fighters, please let me know.