
Leftover Summon Tickets

What can/will we do with any or all of the leftover Summon Tickets from the past Guaranteed Sparking Summon Ticket events? I still have some from #2, #3, and I’m sure I will have more leftovers from #4 and so on.

Asked by BushMaster5 years 8 months ago


by homu 5 years 8 months ago

So far there're no use for the old summon tickets.

However, the new update mentioned that we'll able to use leftover tickets from the current to summon from UST#4:

"Furthermore, you can use any leftover "Ultra Summon Assist Tickets #4" in the "Ultra Space-Time Summon #4", available from 09/12/2018 01:00 AM (CDT)!"

They might let us do the same with the older tickets, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.