
Is my team any good??

I tried to use different elements as well as people who gave a powerup to other team members with Z-abilities (with help from some other people on this site). (RED) Zamasu and (YEL) Kid Gohan will eventually bw leveled up. I was just wondering if there is any improvements I can make with the characters I have. Even though (PUR) Super Saiyan Broly doesn’t match anyone’s Tags nor Z-ability, I use him becauae he is my strongest character.

Asked by SvenNik5 years 3 months ago


Try for the bardock and you can run the holy Trinity but replaced gogeta with future Gohan. Plus the synergy and the level of your characters should be atleast 900 for the current.

Thanks for the tips, but I’ not quite sure how my synergy can hit 900 with my current units.

by Haf1 5 years 3 months ago

If you want to make a future/hybrid saiyans tag party, i'd suggest replace the broly with a hero grn pan as a bench unit

Thanks for the suggestion, I’llgive it a go until I summon someone better. Thank you again! 🙏🙏

SvenNik, here’s some helpful tips.
1. Stay with future team, for now it’s your best team and you have future ss gohan and ss2 trunks along with mai and zamasu. This is a good start for a future team. Along with that if you can go for the master pack 2 summoning to get ss bardock, you would be able to use him with broly for a devastating team. Even gotenks ss can fit since he is the super sayian tag.

Thank you very much for the tips, I appreciate it :) I am currently trying to get ss bardock, but with 2 consecutive openings and 2 tickets 🎫, have had no luck, but I’ll keep trying and thank you again for the tips. 🙏🙏

Also ss future gohan would fit well with ss bardock and ss broly since gohan gives good buffs upon death