
Special Rank Up

Do you guys know how they calculate the points given to players after the season resets?


Asked by セル5 years 9 months ago


You mean the pvp reset every 2 weeks?

well i think it´s simple:

if you reached 21-29 you will get reset to 20 with the minimum ammount of points to reach those.
21-29 = 20
31-39 = 30
41-49 = 40
if my Suggestion is wrong, please correct me. but thats how i kept my rank 30. If you mean the rewards at the end of every season...dunno...

Yeah, the reset every 2 weeks.

Well, I was at 50, and today morning I received like 3000 and ranking 35. I still clueless on these calculations, haha.

But thanks, man :)