
Update on the website?

When will Mono-Team tier list update? Tier list? Also I was reading the info on Krillin and the guy who wrote that missed out on the fact that SuperWarriors can use "Gokuuu!". Also why is Krillin Tier 1 if the guy who wrote the bio made it sound like he's trash?!

Asked by ΩLegatus5 years 8 months ago


Simply put, the Tier List is outdated, we are already working on a new one.
We are corrently working on a updated version of both of the tier lists, the last units heavily changed the meta.

Gokuuu didn't show up due to the equipment having multiple tags, right now it's mistakenly listed as being Goku-only. We'll fix that.

Krillin is defintely in a good tier. The analysis always show pros and cons even if said character is Top Tier.

Thanks for the reply, appreicate all the work you guys do. GamePress has been a big help in staying up-to-meta and up-to-date!