
What is my best team?

I’ve been struggling to figure out the best combination of players to pvp with. I’m pretty new to the game so I have little experience and knowledge in team building. Hope you are able to give some assistance in that area.

Asked by DBL noob5 years 3 months ago


Imo you can try Frieza force team with main SP Broly: Fury (Red) - SP Final Form Frieza (Yellow) - SP Captain Ginyu (Green) and as a bench EX Dodoria (Green) - EX 1st Form Frieza (Yellow) - EX Zarbon (Blue) or Hybrid Saiyans with main : SSJ Gotenks - SSJ Trunks kid - SSJ Goten and as bench : SP Gohan Kid - SSJ Trunks Teen - SSJ Vegeta